Yes Or No?
Besides the obvious differences between sitting in heels with a $3 cup of coffee vs. sitting in your slippers with a bowl of microwave popcorn, it would seem that online dating and in-person dating are pretty similar. The goal is to find that special someone and both methods are about communicating with a person one-on-one to get to know them better. But no matter how long you’ve had a dating life, online dating can still feel very new when you get started.
The traditional dating process usually involves a small pool of potential matches made up of locals, colleagues and friends of friends. When you meet someone in the supermarket or a new person at work, it may take a few dates to find out if you have similar lifestyles, values or personality traits. Online dating is the opposite. You are working from a pool of hundreds of thousands of prospective dates but the filters are built in. You can search by religion, hobbies, pets, personalities and sometimes even things like how neat and tidy or sloppy other people are.

Now only can you set your filters but online dating sites often use matching algorithms to suggest other members who could be good matches for you. These sometimes use the profile you set up when you started and sometime require you to spend some time filling out personality test and surveys about your preferences, lifestyle and values. This means that at the very least there is a computer who is searching for the best matches for you which is one advantage of online dating. After all, the HR department at your office probably isn’t hiring with your love-life in mind.

Of course, there are disadvantages to online dating as well. The major ones are safety and privacy concerns. Unlike blind dates that friends set up for you, you probably won’t have references for the people you meet online. There are plenty of precautions to take however, such as utilizing the secure communication tools offered by most online dating sites. When you do meet in person, do it in a public place and make sure that a friend or family member knows where you’ll be. You can’t count on the fact that your boss has seen his or her resume or that you’re best friend’s significant other has known him or her since high-school.

Of course, that anonymity also has an up-side. You will go into your first face-to-face dating with expectations that you formed yourself, trusting no one’s judgment but your own. Of course, the impression you’ve formed can still be far off from reality. It’s important to remember that even though your date may be very different in person, you can’t show disappointment or confusion. It may be the natural reaction but it can be very hurtful if it’s not hidden well enough. On the other hand, because you’re unlikely to have any acquaintance in common, you won’t have to see this person again after the first date if you don’t want to.

Nowadays, online dating has shed its former stigma and is now a socially acceptable way to look for love. But, as more and more people jump onto the online dating bandwagon, it seems as if the number of desirable candidates is somehow shrinking. Fortunately there are several ways to weed out the snobs, posers, fakers and scammers before you go wasting a perfectly good Saturday night with someone you know you’ll never want to see again.

Here are 7 people to automatically reject when online dating:1) The PeacockThe peacock will excessively pump him/herself up in their profile. Profile pictures, and content the person has written about themselves in the “about me” section of their profile can reveal whether or not the profile you’re viewing is in fact that of a peacock. Male peacocks will usually include pictures of themselves flexing in front of a mirror, and female peacocks will usually have at least one picture where they are making a duck face. The peacock will also do nothing but boast and brag about themselves. Avoid at all costs.

2) The “Jay Leno”You know what they say, “Everyone loves Jay Leno.” If a person’s online dating profile is obviously going for mass appeal, instead of giving specific details about who they’re looking for, keep browsing. Guys that open up their profile with lines like “What’s up lovely ladies” or girls that come out with “Hey there fellas! I’d luv to hear from you!” are pretty much saying that they’re willing to go out with whoever. Casting a wide net is great if you want to catch a lot of fish, but do you really want to go out with someone who has caught and released lots of other “fish?” Think about it.

3) The Whack WriterA person doesn’t have to spend 5 hours coming up with presentable content for their dating profile in order to look like they still tried. Someone who can’t spell to save their life, and has virtually incoherent writing should be avoided. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is uneducated, but it does indicate they lack attention to detail which probably carries over to how they treat an intimate partner. It someone can’t take the time to spell basic words correctly, they’re probably looking for dating quantity, not quality.

4) The DesperatoSomeone who opens up their profile with a line like “It’s awfully lonely cooking dinner for one” is desperate for company, and will probably be a clingy date. Avoid people who talk about how they “haven’t been on a date in so long” and say that “they just want someone to talk to”. Unless you are equally as desperate, the only strong emotion you’ll be feeling on your date is pity, not passion.

5) The SprinterBuilding a relationship is like running a marathon, but some people treat it like the 100-meter dash. Beware of people that are overly eager to establish an unnatural sense of intimacy. Folks should not be busting out pet names or calling you “baby” after only exchanging two emails. Just because you’ve established that you both like to go hiking, doesn’t mean that the other person should start planning a weekend getaway. Take your time, let it happen naturally.

6) The Flat Out FakerI’m sure everyone slightly embellishes their assets when creating an online dating profile. It’s like writing a resume, you embroider the truth to make it look prettier. That’s one thing, but people who tell lies and make obvious exaggerations about their looks and/or capabilities should be instantly vetoed. Look for inconsistencies to see if someone is being dishonest. Do they claim to make over $250k per year, but they live with a roommate in a two bedroom apartment? If certain things just aren’t adding up for you, it’s time to move on. If they can’t even be honest in an online dating profile, what else are they capable of lying to you about?

7) The Dangerous LoverOnline dating carries far greater risks beyond boredom and possible heartbreak. Some of the people online are extremely dangerous and could even put your life in jeopardy. There are more and more reports of women who have been sexually assaulted by men they met through online dating websites. The risk is very, very real. So how can you tell if someone could be dangerous just from looking at their profile? Author Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D., has evaluated serial killers during her long career as an FBI behavioral analyst. She offers up some phrases to look for in someone’s dating profile which could be a red flag.

Many experts agree that one of the best ways to keep yourself safe while online dating is to run a criminal background check on the someone before you meet them in person. Violent individuals are usually repeat offenders, and if someone has convictions for things like assault, stalking, or harassment, unless that person has gotten help, they will continue these kinds of behaviors into their next relationship.

Online dating is supposed to be fun, convenient, and stress-free. But to ensure you have a good experience, it’s important to know what to look for, and how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. 

Going through a separation is challenging for most people. Here are the Top 4 tips for dating after separation which will help you become a successful dater! This list comes from thousands of singles who’ve shared their personal stories with me about what they liked and disliked about dating after separation.

Don’t talk about your separation on your dates.
While it’s probably inevitable the topic may come up in your conversation, it’s best NOT to share all the gory details of your separation. I would definitely never volunteer information about it and if your date expresses some curiosity over why you are single, the simplest and easiest response to a question like that is to politely let your date know that “It’s over” or “That’s in the past, let’s talk about something else”. This isn’t meant to be rude, but it does send the message that your “ex” is really not part of the conversation and if they are continually probing for whatever the reason keep out the “details” and continue with the obvious in that you are over it and leave it as “irreconcilable differences”. Speaking negatively about your last relationship does not put you in a good light, and you could definitely be pegged as being “bitter”. You should know what important coffee date tips are on a first date as well. It’s important that you remain respectful about your ex, even if you can’t stand him/her. While you are “dating” someone new, you don’t want to leave any impression that you are still harbouring intense feelings good or bad, because it’s a warning sign for most that you may not be “ready”.

Seek help if you need it.
Many singles I’ve talked to shared they sought professional help in order to deal with the emotional loss and loneliness of being alone for the first time in a long time. Often there are many feelings of guilt, blame, depression, anger, and frustration. For some, these emotions are too difficult to handle. Before you start dating after separation you want to make sure that you are in a good space mentally and emotionally before inviting someone new into your life. The help you seek may be a psychiatrist, a good friend, a lawyer, your pastor, therapist, or a family member. What’s important is that you GET help and you use whatever resources are available to you to address your concerns and issues about your separation so you can move forward.

Get a make over.
Dating after separation is a big change for many people. It’s also a great time to look in the mirror and make some physical changes to compliment your new lifestyle! It can be as simple as a new hair style or color. It can be as significant as cosmetic surgery. You are going to start dating so you are now in the “attraction” game. Many women will get a complete make over, because in their minds they are “starting over” and getting rid of the “old” shell and getting prepared for the “new” look and person. You will find yourself going through a transformation on many levels and updating your look is a great way to boost your confidence as well. For the guys, you may want to take one of your stylish girlfriends or guy friends out to help you pick out some new clothes and shoes! Get a hair cut! Trim your beard, or get rid of that slogan T-shirt your partner hated you wearing or those favourite pair of ratty sneakers that left an odor in the front hallway closet. I would even hire a personal stylist or image consultant if you just have no clue and no one that comes to mind that can help you in those areas. There also isn’t a better time to get on a health kick and set a game plan for the 20+ pounds you’ve always wanted to lose. Maybe you want to quit smoking and start going to the gym. Some people find that they have a lot more freedom being on their own and can focus on themselves to do some of the things that they haven’t had the time to do in the past. It’s a great time to rid yourself of excuses and start paying attention to YOU and what you want. When you feel great about yourself, you build your confidence which is an attractive quality to have.

These are the Top 4 Tips For Dating after separation and your feedback is always welcomed. There is a rather long list of things separated singles can do to help with their dating experience and we will be sharing more of them with you very soon!

Find Love On iDateAsia
If you want to attract women fast, the answer isn’t pickup lines -- the answer is to develop your “Inner Game” and become a guy who naturally attracts women. As you develop as a man, from the inside out, you’ll automatically know the right things to do and say to women to spark attraction. How great is that? Check out these 10 powerful ways to attract women fast:

Number 10  Learn the secret language of manhood 
When you become a real man -- an independent, strong man who is on his own path -- you’ll begin to communicate differently: You’ll move differently, you’ll hold yourself differently, you’ll respond to situations differently, and you’ll use different words. It’s easy to spot guys who don’t get it or are trying to fake it, but it’s just as easy to spot the guys who do get it. Just like guitar players know whether someone is a great musician or an amateur within the first few notes, women know if you’re a real man in a matter of seconds. This is why it’s so important to work on yourself, your self-image and your “Inner Game” until you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re a real man. When you do, you’ll attract women fast and naturally.
Number 9  Make “certainty” part of who you are 
People like certainty. If you can provide it and communicate it, you’ll be more attractive. If you can’t, it’s game over. If women think that you’re secretly a wuss bag -- that you’re only acting cool, but underneath you’re a clingy, insecure guy just waiting to smother them -- they’re going to bail. But if you can communicate a strong, stable, secure, and masculine maturity, women will be less likely to flake out on you because they have more certainty about you. Learn to communicate certainty in everything you do and you’ll attract women fast.
Number 8  Certainty versus teasing
I often tell guys to find fun, playful ways to indirectly answer the questions women ask. This includes the typical questions like what you do for a living and where do you live. So, you might ask, “How can I create certainty in women if you’re telling me to keep them uncertain about these things?” My answer is simple: They want certainty that their experience with you is going to be fun, not certainty about the details of your life. Keep this distinction in mind when you’re flirting -- you’ll tease women and give them a sense of certainty at the same time.
Number 7  The more personal, the more universal
My mentor, Gary Ballinger, taught me something that he learned from his mentor: that the more personal something is to you, the more universal it probably is. Realize that each of your insecurities is actually quite common, then stop hiding them -- be transparent. This can be very liberating. When a woman interacts with a man who isn’t hung up about his ”hang-ups,” not only does it help her relax, it also communicates to her that she’s dealing with a real man who is comfortable with who he is. And this is precisely the kind of man that women are naturally attracted to.
Number 6  Stop reliving your emotional past
It’s a fact; we humans remember things that happened in the presence of emotion. And we often respond to our emotional imprints of situations from the past, rather than to the actual event taking place in front of us -- right now. So, you got dumped three years ago, and now a woman does something that reminds you of your ex and you start freaking out about it. Becoming a man is about breaking those connections, living in the present and taking each new situation for what it’s worth in today’s terms. Women dig guys who can break through the emotional baggage of their past and live in the “now."
Number 5  Figure out where your power comes from
Have you ever asked yourself where your own personal power is based? Take a sec and ask yourself: Is your competition with other men based in a powerful, masculine and secure maturity? Or is it based in a weak, insecure and over-compensating immaturity? Do you respect mature men and treat them as worthy allies (or adversaries) or do you secretly harbor thoughts of superiority? Is your ability to persuade based on whining, tyranny and tantrums? Or is it based on credibility, authenticity and wisdom? Take a few minutes and figure out if your personal power is rooted in scarcity or abundance, then practice living your life from a place of mature, masculine power. This is great for your life, plus you get the added bonus of attracting women fast.
Number 4  Realize success won’t solve your problems
Most immature guys think that money, power and success with women will solve all their problems and make them happy. How great would that be, eh? Unfortunately, it’s simply not true. Often, the things we think would make us happy create new problems of their own once they’re achieved. A mature man understands that he is responsible for his own results. He doesn’t get jealous when others succeed or angry when a successful person complains, and he doesn’t live in a fantasy world thinking that if he had success in a particular area of his life (for example, women and dating) that all of his other problems would be magically solved. Understanding this is an important step in growing up and becoming the type of mature, grounded guy women find irresistibly attractive.
Number 3  A mature man plans ahead
Aristotle said that a sign of a mature man is forethought. Part of maturity is having the ability to think future events all the way through with discipline, instead of guessing, wishing and leaving things to luck. When you’ve thought scenarios through, you can move forward with strength and confidence, knowing that you’ve planned for most of what could happen, and the odds are on your side. By doing this, it frees your mind to deal with the exceptions as they arise. With women, a mature man has thought through all the possible situations and scenarios, and has planned accordingly. The immature, Boy-Man thinks that he has done the same, only it’s not the same at all.
Number 2 How to know when you’re manipulating
The Boy-Man uses tricks and techniques to manipulate, and only lives for instant gratification in the moment. Here’s a test that you can apply to see if you’re being a manipulative Boy-Man: Ask yourself if what you’re doing feels manipulative, sneaky or dishonest in any way. If it does, then you’re allowing the Boy-Man inside of you run things, which will ultimately lead you to a feeling of less fulfillment, not more. If the feeling inside of you is one of strength, authenticity and desire to want to add to your woman’s life experience and joy, then you’re on the right track.
Number 1 Commit to becoming a naturally attractive guy
The most important thing you can do right now to attract women fast is to commit to doing whatever it takes to become the kind of guy who naturally attracts women. That you’ll take the time to learn from guys who are great with women, iron out the “quirks” in your personality, and continue moving forward until you reach your goals. The best thing about this is that you don’t have to wait until you’ve arrived to get rewarded -- every step you take to improve yourself is going to feel great.

Good day!

Can I scream it out loud to you?

For those of you who have a hangover, let me say it really loudly…”Good Day!”

Has everyone had a wonderful, over-hyped night? I hope some of you took my advice to not chase the night. For those of you who did chase the night away, may I be the first to say, “I told you so!” I told you that New Year’s Eve party was not going to be what you thought it was going to be.

That’s okay, though, because I have a secret I’m going to share with you:

It’s a brand new year with 365 days. You probably woke up this morning––like every New Year’s Day––with a list of New Year’s resolutions.

Some of you may want to lose some weight this year; some of you may want to make more money; some of you may want to make this year your best year ever of meeting people.

You have this new sense about things––a clean slate feeling. You tell yourself,“This year is going to be different.” You almost felt a giddy feeling when you got up this morning.

For some of you, that giddy feeling was in your stomach as you retched over the bowl getting the last bits of 2010′s alcohol out of your body. The rest of you woke up and thought “It’s a new year. This year I am going to stick to my resolutions. Things are going to be different.”

I really hate to rain on the New Year’s Day parade. I’ve seen rain on the New Year’s Day parade, and those floats don’t look good all wet. As a matter of fact, I don’t want to put a damper on anyone’s giddy feeling, but I have to share something with you.

Even though it’s New Year’s Day, it is really just a Tuesday morning after a Monday night…and you are still the same person. I am not saying you’re a bad person at all. In fact, you are probably an amazing person. I think everyone is an amazing person.

To be 100% upfront and honest with you, though, nothing has changed between last night and today, unless last night you went on some spiritual retreat that overnight changed your thinking and your mindset. The truth is that nothing really has changed.

Most New Year’s resolutions are broken almost immediately. We’re human. We love to be hopeful. We love it. We want to believe that things are magically going to be different.

When we see a different year on the calendar, psychologically we think “Things really are going to be different this year. I know they are!” Knowing and believing, however, are different from doing. The “doing” part is where the problem usually exists.

If your goal is to lose weight and get into better shape, then you better learn discipline if you want to make that happen. If your goal this year is to meet somebody and to fall in love, how are you going to do it if you don’t have the skill set or the confidence to meet people?

If you haven’t done anything differently (meaning doing some intensive work on yourself with a coach or a motivational program), things are not going to be different just because the calendar has changed from 2012 to 2013. Change happens because YOU change, not because the calendar does.

All of you know that I am one of the most supportive people out there. I truly believe in the good in all people…but I also tell it like it is.

If you are serious about wanting to make some changes this year in any aspect of your life – whether it’s in the area of love, health or career – then you better be prepared to invest a lot of time and hard work to get that accomplished.

There is no magic pill. Wishing for something to happen will not cause it to manifest itself in your life. You’re not a genie, it’s not going to happen that way.

You want a year filled with everything you’ve always wanted to experience and become?

Make it happen.

Modern technology has made a big impact in the lifestyle of human beings and that includes finding a partner. Before, people go out and went to various places where they can find someone to talk to and even proceed to a deeper relationship. Nowadays, finding friends and someone to love can be done in the World Wide Web. However, these activities are not exempted to be subject for different crimes like fraud, scams, and even sexual assault. Individual who wish to participate should be cautious enough and practice safe online dating.

Online dating sites require you to sign up their registration before you can avail their services. Some of them require payment but most of them are for free. When you join a dating site, just give least details about you. By this you can protect yourself from crimes like identity theft. Never provide your full name, contact number, address, or workplace upon registration. There are sites that give access to anybody to view your profile thus you can be a favorite subject by stalkers. As much as possible use a new email address and you can have one for free. This will protect your personal email account from receiving unsolicited email messages that are usually tagged as spam.

When you are currently exchanging emails, chats, or any sort of conversation to a person that interests you, ask for recent pictures. Through these photographs, you'll be able to assess whether the person describes himself or herself properly. You may also save few pictures in your computer so that if something goes wrong along the way then the authorities will have a lead on their investigation. If the person claims to be a professional, then you may request to see his or her diploma to confirm the legitimacy of his or her claim. Of course, your requests should be in a nice and tactful manner. You don't want to look like a person with too much suspicion.

As your conversations flow smoothly and decided to meet in person, you should proceed with extreme caution. Although meeting up is the best way to know the person well, still you are risking yourself unto another level. But if you are pretty confident with that person safeguard yourself at all times. Meet in a public place and if possible, choose a place that you are very familiar with. Do not allow to be picked up at your house or workplace. Inform a friend about your meeting and it is much better if you can pick one to go along with you. If you are going alone, allow your friend to call you on a specific time to check that everything is alright and you can even use it as your exit if you do not like your initial personal interaction. Above anything else, trust your instinct. If you feel uneasy about it, abort your meeting but inform the other person in a timely manner.

If your New Year’s resolution is to date more, you’re not alone. Here are ten get-a-date strategies for 2013. Good luck!

1. iDateAsia. You’re already here, right? Online dating has long lost its stigma. Be intentional about finding love in 2013 and let technology play a role in setting you up with Mr. or Mrs. Right.

2. Get involved. Staying at home on a Friday night will not score you a date. Instead, volunteer your time with causes you care about. Join a community choir or sports league. Volunteer with your church. Sign up to serve dinner at a local soup kitchen. You’ll feel great about giving back, plus you’re likely to meet new people and learn plenty about yourself in the process.

3. Try something new. If you’ve always wanted to take cooking classes, now’s the time. Look back at other resolutions and bucket-list items and decide to take action and try new things. You’ll be forced into new social circles — and meeting new people is half the battle, right?

4. Ask for a setup. If you want to go on dates, let your friends know. Friend-of-a-friend setups make for the best blind dates as someone has done some preliminary screening for you. If your best friend thinks you’d get along great with her boyfriend’s cousin, let her play matchmaker for you. Be sure to invite her to the wedding.

5. Head to singles’ events. There are events held in almost every city designed to help singles meet each other. Sign up and go. Not only will you likely meet new friends, your very presence says that you’re single and are willing to be intentional about meeting someone special.

6. Say yes. Don’t put pressure on first dates or overanalyze a potential date before it happens. Dating is easier when you relax and enjoy the process. If it’s your New Year’s resolution to go on more dates, then revel in meeting that goal with every date you schedule. Don’t expect each date to lead to love, and don’t say no to a date just because you’re not sure if you want to marry them. A first date is not a contract.

7. Love yourself. It’s cliche but true. Self confidence is attractive.

8. Ask someone out. The best way to get a date is to ask someone out. Sure, it’s terrifying, but if you push aside that fear of rejection and take a risk or two this year, you just might end up spending an evening with the love of your life.

9. Say yes to social events. Don’t know anyone else who’s going to your coworker’s wedding this July? Great. Put on a dress (or a suit), stand tall, and smile — and say yes to that invitation to dance. Treat each social engagement as an opportunity to meet new people.

10. Be approachable. Look strangers in the eye and smile. Engage in friendly banter and even dare to flirt a little. The best way to get a date is to appear dateable, so don’t shy away from opportunities to interact with other singles.